22 May 2024
Mohamed Shaarif Hassan Saabig
AgroNAT’s official annual staff trip was held on Saturday 18th May 2024. The group traveled to Maniyafaru island early in the morning embarking on a fun-filled outing with plenty of activities scattered throughout the day.
Arrival on the island coincided with a hearty breakfast prepared by the advance team that travelled to the island the previous evening. A short ceremony marked the beginning of the trip with a few words from our MD Mr. Hussain Didi, an anniversary cake cutting and taking of group pictures.
Despite forecasts, the weather remained pleasant for much of the day. A lunch involving grilled fish, garudhiya, and other traditional delicacies was served at noon, during the only 20-minute window where rain was experienced during the trip. Various sporting activities were carried out in the time that followed, before finishing off with a communal dip in the sea.
Gift packs were handed out to all teams at the end of the day prior to departure to Male’. All whispers and murmurs on the journey back were that of longing to go on another trip as soon as possible!